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Should You Use Melatonin for Sleep Regularly?(2)


Are Certain Forms of Melatonin Better?

Melatonin supplements come in all kinds of formulations. They’re gummies, pills, dissolving tablets placed under the tongue, creams, gargles, and gels. Melatonin can also be found in sleepy-tea formulas. It comes in slow-release and fast-release options. Talk with a healthcare provider to determine the best product and dose for your needs.


Unlike over-the-counter sleep aids, which are considered medications, melatonin is regulated as a dietary supplement, not a drug, which is a less strict designation. Therefore, some melatonin supplements may not contain what’s listed on the label. Often, the drug amounts are much more significant than the manufacturer claims.6



A 2017 study tested 31 melatonin supplements from grocery stores and pharmacies. For most melatonin supplements, the amount of melatonin in the product didn’t match what was listed on the product label.10 Also, 26% of the supplements contained serotonin, a hormone and chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that can have harmful effects even at relatively low levels.


A 2023 study found that of 25 brands of melatonin gummies, a product often aimed at children, most had higher than the declared amount of melatonin.9 The actual melatonin dose in the gummies ranged from 74% to 347% of the amount on the label.


None of the products contained serotonin, but one had no melatonin and only cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis product that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved for any indication in healthy children.9


If you’re looking to buy a melatonin product, try those that have gone through the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP),, or NSF testing to verify the breakdown of their products.6 These are labeled as certified by USP, ConsumerLab, or NSF.


When to Avoid Melatonin

Melatonin is generally considered safe for most people to take for short periods. But there are still unanswered questions about possible side effects, especially in younger people and long-term users. Melatonin can help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, but it also plays other roles in the body—and these are not fully understood.3


Is Melatonin Safe?

Yes, melatonin is safe for most people for short-term use. But, there’s still a lot of discussion and research about this topic in the medical community, especially when it comes to long-term use at higher levels and use in younger people, especially children.7

Melatonin Drug Interactions

Talk to a healthcare provider about potential drug interactions before taking melatonin. This is especially important for people taking:2


If you’re taking melatonin with these drugs, stop taking the supplements and inform your healthcare provider.

Melatonin Side Effects

There’s a possibility that you could have an allergic reaction to melatonin supplements.3


Older people should avoid taking melatonin, especially in high doses, as the hormone can stay active longer in older people. This can lead to daytime drowsiness.3



People who use melatonin report mild side effects, including:2


The best way to fix melatonin side effects is to stop taking it or take a lower amount. 


Melatonin and Medical Conditions

Melatonin supplements may interfere with certain medical conditions. People with these health issues should talk to a healthcare provider before taking melatonin:2


Melatonin and Pregnancy

There is not enough research about the safety of melatonin supplements during pregnancy or when nursing. Generally, taking melatonin supplements while pregnant is discouraged.3


Melatonin for Children

Giving melatonin to children may help them sleep better if their body clocks aren't working right or they have developmental problems. However, most normal sleep issues in children are better addressed by changing their schedule and habits or working to improve their behavior.6


Before giving melatonin to your child, ask the child's healthcare provider if it's safe. Generally, melatonin supplements at normal doses seem OK for most children in the short term. The research lacks information about the safety and effectiveness of melatonin in children, especially in the long term.3


Long-term use of melatonin supplements may affect puberty, menstrual cycles, or levels of prolactin (a hormone that affects breast development, sperm production, and the menstrual cycle).3


Ensure the gummies aren't within arms reach. Since gummies look and taste like candy, kids won't understand the dangers of taking more medicine than needed. They may accidentally or intentionally overdose on the drug. In 2021, there were more than 50,000 calls to poison control about melatonin in kids under 19.3 Most of these calls were about children under 5 who had accidentally taken more melatonin than recommended.11


Melatonin Alternatives 

Taking melatonin supplements every night won’t lead to dependence or addiction, but it may not help you solve your sleep problems. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, you may wonder what to do if melatonin doesn’t work. 


First, talk to a healthcare provider about your sleep issues to ensure nothing else is causing them. Then consider how your lifestyle may be impacting your sleep. 


If you’re trying to get better sleep at night, the two most important factors are getting early-morning light and improving your sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene can include staying away from screens and dimming the lights before bed, bathing or another relaxation routine, and keeping the room dark at night and cool.


Ensure the bed is comfortable and avoid stimulants like caffeine in the hours before bed. Try blue-light-blocking glasses to increase natural melatonin production.


One way to fix your circadian rhythm is through light therapy first thing in the morning, especially if you’re up before the sun and need to be indoors for work. Get near a window or buy a medical-grade light therapy lamp.7


Alternatives to melatonin include over-the-counter sleep aids like the antihistamine Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Unisom (doxylamine). A type of drug called melatonin receptor agonist induces sleepiness through the melatonin receptor. These include Rozerem (ramelteon) and Hetlioz (tasimelteon), which are FDA-approved for treating insomnia and other sleep disorders.12


You might consider CBD to help you sleep. This nonpsychoactive cannabis product has soothing, relaxing properties. While emerging and evolving, the research suggests that CBD may help with sleep.


If you’re dealing with insomnia, talk therapy is the best course of action. The results from cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia rival those you’d get from sleep medication—without side effects, reduced risk of relapse, and continued improvement after treatment ends.13



Melatonin is a hormone that your body makes naturally, which makes you sleepy. Some people use melatonin supplements to improve their sleep. Melatonin supplements are available as tablets, caplets, tea, or gummies. Melatonin is not a drug or addictive.


Light exposure can disrupt your melatonin cycle, causing trouble sleeping. It helps to get outside in bright light early in the morning. But too much light from screens in the evening is bad for sleep. Other factors that disrupt the sleep-wake cycle include unusual sleep hours, poor sleep hygiene, and lack of physical activity.


Studies have shown that melatonin supplements may help people sleep better if they have jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, anxiety before surgery, or non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder


Melatonin also is helpful for children with certain health conditions. Generally, exercise caution when giving melatonin to children. Talk to your pediatrician if your child is having trouble sleeping.


Possible side effects of melatonin supplements include headache, dizziness, nausea, sleepiness, and feeling hungover. Allergic reactions are also possible. Pregnant people should generally avoid melatonin supplements.


Follow the advice of a healthcare provider and instructions on the product when taking melatonin. Take melatonin about 40 minutes before sleep. The recommended dose for adults ranges from 0.3 mg to 5 mg. It is generally safe to take melatonin daily for up to six months for adults and three months for children.


There isn't enough research on the long-term effects of melatonin supplements in kids and teens. Talk to a healthcare provider before taking melatonin if you have certain medical conditions or are taking specific medicines.

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